Care, Support & Education for Parkinson’s Disease in Michigan
Always Moving Forward

 Join our community of more than 70 support groups throughout the state and find a mentor.

Exercise is beneficial for general health and can assist in managing symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.

Explore information, programs, and resources for people with Parkinson’s and caregivers.

We provide support and relief to those caring for their loved ones through respite care.
Who We Are
Managing Parkinson’s Disease, Together
Michigan Parkinson Foundation is an independent non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable corporation dedicated to people living with Parkinson’s Disease. We sponsor 76 support groups and provide services to all 83 counties in Michigan.
We also provide exercise classes, educational programs, medication assistance, and respite care to caregivers. Each year, we host four walkathon events and one gala event.
We are committed to providing equitable and culturally responsive programs and services to meet the needs of all people living with PD and their families.